5 LUCA-Inspired Projects Your Kids Will Love
By Kara MurphyPosted Aug 04, 2021

Luca is our family's newest favorite Disney and Pixar original feature. The story features the adventures of Luca and his newfound best friend, Alberto, as they experience all the fun of an Italian Rivera summer, including gelato, pasta and endless scooter rides.
Luca shares these adventures with his newfound best friend, but all the fun is threatened by a deeply-held secret: The two boys are actually sea monsters from another world just below the water’s surface. It's a coming-of-age story that instantly joins the Pixar and Disney classics. Want to add it to your collection? Luca is out now on Blu-ray and Digital!
Can't get enough of Luca? Here are five ideas on how to bring the events from the big screen right into your home on your next movie night:
1. Just add water to color your world
Luca and his underwater friends just add water to gain the ability to transform from human to sea monster. Your family might not turn into sea creatures but you can make fun and colorful art together at home ... just by adding water.
Getty Images via Canva
What you need:
- 4 plastic throwaway water bottles
- 4 colors of tempera paint (or use washable paint if you prefer!)
- Water
- Water balloons
- Tape
- Large sheets of white paper or canvas
- Fill the bottles with equal parts paint and water. Screw top back on and shake well.
- Fill your water balloons with the liquid from your water bottle.
- Tape your paper or canvas to a fence (or you can also tape it to an old folding table laid on its side).
- Then throw those balloons! Your white background will start to pop with color ... just like the beautiful sea monsters in "Luca."
2. Cook Trenette al Pesto together
In the movie, Luca and Alberto can't get enough of the Trenette al Pesto prepared by Giulia's father. You can make it yourself, using the same recipe that Luca director Enrico Casarosa loves. He posted the recipe on Instagram so we could all enjoy the deliciousness of this authentic Italian pasta dish:
Make your at-home version extra memorable for your kids by eating with only your hands ... just like Luca!
3. Create a fish MONSTER
My kids love making "surprise" art, where a seemingly picture of a sweet little animal — like a fish! — opens wide to find a surprise inside. Here's an example my son made recently:
Want to learn how to make your own? Watch this video from Rachel Berlin, an artist in Erie, Pa., who will lead your family through creating their own fish-y surprises. Uncle Ugo would definitely approve.
4. Make your own ice cream
Luca and Alberto loooooove gelato. Make your own sweet cold treat at home with this easy recipe for ice cream in a bag. All you need is ice, milk, vanilla extract, sugar, and salt. Oh, and don't forget the sprinkles!
5. Build your own scooter
Luca and Alberto's attempts at making a scooter lead to some hilariously funny scenes in the movie.
Can your family construct a scooter with materials from around the house? Build together or break up into teams to see who can build the most creative scooter! Need inspiration? Check out how brother and sister Zaine and Olivia built a scooter at their house using only scraps and spare parts.
Inspired? We are too! Don't miss it: Luca is available on Blu-ray and Digital! Get it now!
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