For Businesses

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business' deal on CertifiKID?
Start building it now.

Interested in paid advertising
opportunities to reach
millions of families?
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partner? Sign in to your
Vendor Center to contact
your Account Representative.
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How CertifiKID Works
Every day, CertifiKID features a family-friendly product, service or attraction in emails to millions of
mom and dad subscribers.
A Typical CertifiKID Subscriber
The majority of our subscribers are active moms who are looking for the very best for their families.
They are mobile, engaged on social media, and a trusted influence within their circles of influence.
Our moms are loyal and consistently return to businesses featured on CertifiKID.
How CertifiKID Can Help Your Business
A partnership with CertifiKID puts your business and brand messaging front and center to millions of
engaged parents nationwide looking for the best for their families.
Partnership Opportunities
CertifiKID offers customizable partnership opportunities to fit your marketing plan and budget.

Redirect Campaigns
Redirect our audience to your website for firsthand engagement using our hybrid email and web campaign.

Dedicated Emails
Spotlight your brand with an email dedicated EXCLUSIVELY to your brand and messaging.

Grow your subscriber base by offering a giveway or contest on our site or social media channels.

Banner Advertisements
Put your brand front and center through prime placement of digital ads on our site and emails.

Social Media Engagement
Extend your reach with targeted posts, paid placements and influencer engagement across multiple channels.

Blog Posts
Add a personalized touch to your campaign with a blog post professionally written by our content team.

Authentic Experiences
From custom, interactive events to targeted sampling activations, we place your product directly into the hands of other moms across the nation or in the markets of your choice.
Want to feature your business' deal on CertifiKID? Click HERE to start building your deal.
Interested in paid advertising opportunities to reach millions of families? Learn More.
Already a CertifiKID deal partner? Sign in to your VENDOR CENTER
to contact your Account Representative.
See other cool ways CertifiKID is impacting businesses like yours: